
Eric Franchimon Limited Editions and Originals

Eric Franchimon is one of over 100 world renowned artists available through Herndon Fine Art. Click on Artist's Name to your left for a complete listing. Whether you are interested in buying or selling fine art from Eric Franchimon, or any of these other fabulous artists -- we are your source.

3 Reasons to Buy from Me:

1. EVERY piece of art receives my personal verification of condition and authentication.
2. I WILL NOT ship artwork that isn't in a condition I would accept into my own collection. 
3. In the 18 years I've been selling artwork I've never had a piece returned due to condition.

These are just some of the Franchimon's we have available.  Please call or click here to email us directly for title availability and pricing of Eric Franchimon limited editions, and originals.


Please Click on the Thumbnails Below for Larger Image

  eric franchimon roger clemens
Roger Clemens
17" x 14"
Hand Signed and Numbered: #55/212
Price $950

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Email: herndonfineart@yahoo.com or Click Here to Email us Directly

All information contained in these web pages is trademarked and copyrighted by Herndon Fine Art 2025 (c). All visual copyrights belong to the artists. All rights reserved.

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Eric Franchimon

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